As a 15-year experienced RN & someone who suffered from autoimmune diseases for many of those years, I have come to fully see and understand both sides of the current healthcare model. As both a provider & consumer of “the system,” I began to awaken to the realities of the big business it has become, rather than it being a source of long-term healing for humanity. Throughout my years of suffering w/daily chronic pain, severe joint inflammation, neurological disorders, migraines, skin conditions, frequent infections & viruses, amongst many other anomalous physical ailments, I was shuttled from one specialist to another. I was “poked, prodded” & evaluated numerous times to be diagnosed, undiagnosed and re-diagnosed with a plethora of “diseases.” I was trialed on several different medications which usually caused even worse side-effects. I often heard the statements: “we want to send you to another specialist” or there’s really nothing else we can do for you” and “we’re not really sure what you even have, so we’ll just have to keep an eye on the symptoms.”
Each time I heard those words I cringed & felt even more defeated. I started becoming a victim to my diseases- falsely accepting my conditions and the fact that no one could give me the answers I was seeking. Feelings of anxiety & depression further perpetuated my suffering, but eventually led to my awakening & sparked the beginning of an amazing self-healing journey.
Through my own pain & frustration I developed an even deeper sense of understanding of how so many of my patients must have felt over the years- lost, hopeless, confused, suffering and misguided. These realizations fostered even more motivation to heal myself. I was inspired by other healers around me, who took a holistic approach in their own journeys. Through a perspective of “holism” the focus of health & wellness examines & integrates the entire mind, body & soul- ALL aspects which make a person WHOLE. Through this process, I began to adopt new and expansive mindsets and beliefs. I started CHOOSING healthier lifestyle options, created better habits, began meditating regularly and connected deeply with myself. I started listening to what I NEEDED in order to heal. Self-care and shadow work became part of my daily routines (and still remain as such today). I started taking FULL responsibility for my overall state of being, released the need to fix and change things out of my control and refocused my time and energy on the things I could change within me. I began learning and practicing energy work, which not only helped me create the spiritual foundation I was yearning for, but literally transformed my entire life. I realized that ALL answers and solutions were within me, and I no longer felt the need (or desire) to depend on the external healthcare system to heal me. I learned that by changing my internal world for the better, my external world & reality began to massively shift as well. I finally began healing and started living a life of wellness, rather than just “surviving” through all of my illnesses.
This path eventually led me to Transformative Nurse Health Coaching, which was not only a calling, but THE answer to everything I had put out to the universe. No longer resonating with our current healthcare system, I began searching for a way to combine my years of clinical experience in nursing, with everything I had learned on my own holistic journey. Then nurse coaching came across my radar and seeing it as a synchronistic sign, I knew it was the key to a whole new door within the healthcare realm.
The healing process can be challenging, non-linear and painful @ times. For me, this is proof however that it’s actually working. As a nurse who has witnessed & experienced true healing, I understand and acknowledge that often times the situation has to feel and appear "worse" before things can get better. Synonymous to the healing of a physical wound, all traumas, DIS-ease and emotional disturbances also need to heal from the INSIDE out. This requires deep & purposeful introspection to uncover the root of the issue. Our modern-day healthcare system more often than not just wants to find the “quick fix” or apply a “Band-Aid” to our healthcare concerns. Unfortunately, this only masks the deeper issues at hand. As a healthcare provider this became increasingly disheartening to acknowledge as well. I frequently felt as though we were failing our patients, never really offering them any kind of long-term solutions to leading healthy & fulling lives. I saw how "the chronically-ill paradigm" began infiltrating one generation to the next as a sense of "normalcy" falsely accepted by our society. Being part of the healthcare system started to become extremely disheartening, until I awakened to the holistic mindset/method. This approach gets to the "heart of the problem," thus promoting more sustainable ways in maintaining health and wellness through the longevity of one’s entire life. This is when I knew it was time to start changing the system & how we approach healthcare as a whole.
*Healing through the "Create, Embody & BEcome" Process*
The individual responsibility, awareness and accountability required to do the inner work for healing can feel overwhelming @ times. The conscious choice to remain an actively-willing & self-compassionate participant throughout the process will heed the most successful results. Self-healing is a BIRTHRIGHT afforded to every human being, should we choose to believe and trust in ourselves & the innate capabilities we all possess. When we open ourselves to new possibilities, mindsets & lifestyles, the outcomes can hold infinite potential. But like any kind of healing modality, nurse coaching only works as much as the client is willing to “work it” on their end. My clients are in the driver’s seat of their own journey, and I’m here to hold the map.
So are YOU ready NOW to pick the destination? What better time to step into the power of being your own healer and master creator of your own life than RIGHT NOW?
Through the “create, embody, become” approach, YOU’LL create a new life, through expansive mindsets- embody new behaviors & lifestyle changes- and BECOME a healthier & happier version of YOU! Let's get started!