A Taste of Our Testimonials 

LIMITLESS Session: “Great to meet with you (Maria) again on Zoom, after a whole year. As always, the reading was mesmerizing, inspiring & insightful. Your story telling skills of 'my Spirit history' is off the charts; it's like an episode of Star Trek. Mind expanding, mindful & mind-BLOWING. Thank you so much for your deep intuition & caring Spiritual guidance. Hugs from Florida!"
(R. McKay. March 2025)

LIMITLESS Session: “I've been integrating wild amounts! I had the pleasure & honor of receiving a fantastic energy clearing, remarkable past lives downloads, a healing marriage of my Divine Feminine and Masculine, a sneak peek into my potential future love life, direction of my career path & mega releasing of energies from multiple timelines, as well as oodles of other sweet magic medicine from Maria. To even say the journey & transmissions were incredible- doesn't even do the session justice! I am a completely renewed woman with a new zest for existence on this planet! I'm eternally grateful Maria & I look forward to working with you again! I would recommend you in a heartbeat, to anyone open to receiving your gifts!" 
(Katajinka P., Sept 2024) 

SoulJoy™ Life Coaching: “I have been working with Sam for almost two years.  She is a highly intuited and gifted healer.   Her spiritual knowledge extensive and always expanding.  I truly appreciate her personable, supportive, and friendly demeanor.  She is a valuable teacher and has provided me with extensive guidance and support throughout my spiritual journey. I highly recommend that you elicit her support in your journey if you feel called to do so.  She can provide you with many tools and direction as you embark on your own awareness journey.” 
(N.M., Sept 2024) 

SoulJoy™ Life Coaching: “When I first met with Sam, I was super stressed, anxious, disconnected and lost. I have a long way to go, but in a relatively short time, I feel like a different person. Sam has taught me to look at every situation and ask what can I learn from it, not why is this happening to me?! She has taught me to look for the joy and magic in everything. And maybe more importantly, how to go within, trusting myself and stand in my own power. This lady lives what she teaches and is caring, truly nonjudgmental and so much fun!! I am forever grateful to the Universe bringing Sam into my life!”
(Stephanie B., Sept 2024)

SoulJoy™ Life Coaching: “Working with Samantha has provided me the opportunity to see parts of myself that were either hidden or being undervalued and underutilized. She has the ability to know what your soul needs but delivers it in such a manner that makes the process exciting. You will laugh. You will cry. You will grow. Most importantly you will see the world and yourself with new perspective.” (Kaila S., Aug 2024) 

LIMITLESS Session: "
Maria creates a safe and comforting atmosphere that allows you to trust and relax. Maria made sure to touch on all points of questions that I was asking Spirit to guide me in, yet without telling me what to do, or giving me yes or no answers. She simply shared her visions and left them up to me to interpret. Right after our session, I felt a darkness clear from me. I still didn’t know all the answers to my life’s situations, but I felt a sense of trust and knowing that my path is divinely guided, and I am more than this body. Her channeled information unlocked a new pathway within me, to start asking myself new questions, and to dive deeper into who I am and my path. Many synchronicities came up, and things that resonated so deeply. Maria is a vessel to communicate messages from Spirit, while bringing her own unique voice and insight. So grateful for Maria and her beautiful gifts, looking forward to going deeper with her and would recommend her to anyone that is wanting clarity on their path, their health, their purpose, or just want to explore themselves on a new level. Thank you, Maria!"
(Sydney D., Aug 2024)

SoulJoy™ Life Coaching: "Completing my mentorship/soul work with Samantha Shea has been the most wonderful experience. Samantha taught me so much about how to heal myself, use my gifts and live a life in connection with the divine. During our sessions Samantha was so tuned into spirit that she always knew what I needed in that moment. Her gifts are so well developed that she was able to show me how to use my abilities in an authentic way rather than fitting into a mold. Her willingness to share her experiences inspired me remember that we are all limitless. If you are looking to live through your soul and in freedom and love,
Samantha is the most highly recommended teacher to help you reach your potential." 
(Kim B., May 2024)

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "My sessions with Maria have been truly transformational. Throughout each coaching session with her, I always felt safe, genuinely understood, and supported. I have gained so many insights about myself and have learned to be more compassionate towards myself and my history. I discovered so much about who I really am, as opposed to who I was conditioned to be. This has given me a new feeling of grounded-ness and inner peace. I now feel like I have a set of tools and coping strategies that I can use to deal with triggers as they come up and to continue to grow spiritually."
(Mari S., Feb 2024)

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "Maria is an absolute gem! She’s one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. I’ve never felt so understood without saying very much. This process (at least in my case), is not a one-sided relationship where I’m the broken soul and she’s helping me piece myself back together the way most traditional therapy works. Her openness & authentic expression of her challenges was exactly the thing I needed. I never felt judged or criticized. She’s given me all the encouragement, support, and love I needed to see myself in a positive way. She helped me use the tools/skills I already had in a more effective way along with teaching me new ones. I’ll be back and recommending her to everyone who I feel could benefit from her guidance."
(Dawn Taylor, Aug 2023)

LIMITLESS Session: "It was really wonderful to connect with you Samantha! The messages you channeled from my guides and all the information you provided was truly amazing! You are quite magical and very gifted!! Thank you for sharing your light and gifts with the world. It’s so needed right now. I feel inspired and am aware of what has been holding me back in replay. I look forward to working with you again."
(J.M., Feb 2023)

LIMITLESS Session: "Maria is the strongest energy healer I've ever had the privilege of working with. Yesterday I was going out of my mind. I was getting ready to have hiatal hernia surgery on Tuesday, and I was going crazy because I didn't know if I could get through it with all of the back pain I was also experiencing. I'd been to many chiropractors and doctors, and I couldn't get anywhere. I'd run out of all options. Then a thought came into my mind to call Maria (as I've had readings with her in the past). She did some healing by looking at every vertebra in my back in order to understand where that source of pain was coming from, and she helped me discover that it was a lifetime of abuse which deep down I already knew about. Just a few hours later I was still in some pain, but I was no longer disabled and was able to get around the house and feel normal again. Right now, I'm sitting here a day later and wondering what's going on with my back? There's so much less pain!  There was a major emotional release that no doctor could help me with - and even a mental health professional would take much longer to help me release this. So now I'm ready to go into that intense surgery with a lot more confidence and a lot less fear. If you want to work with someone who truly gets to the core and gets things done, I highly recommend that you work with Maria." 
(Carla Balk, Dec 2022)

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "I'm about 8 sessions into my work with Maria and each session is unique and powerful. I often start a session feeling anxious or nervous about what we might talk about; and other times I'm feeling a bit down from the stresses of life, other times I'm happy and content. On the days I'm feeling low vibes, I ALWAYS feel better within 15-minutes of the session. I have never felt judgement or uncomfortable with Maria. She is truly a safe space, where being vulnerable feels refreshing rather than uncomfortable. I have learned so much through our work and it has already had a major impact on my day-to- day life. I'm a mother of 3 young daughters and I find myself recognizing my heightened emotions and am able to self-regulate before responding to my children, which they in turn are also learning how to do. It's a beautiful thing to witness my children finding peace in their hearts, as I continue to find peace in mine with Maria's support."
(Kelly S., Sept 2022)

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "Maria has been one of the most knowledgeable and helpful teachers I could ever ask for. Not only has she helped me find my true essence of who I am but has helped me expand and grow beyond what I thought possible! She is truly sent from Spirit to help others on their journey and spread light and love. I would recommend everyone working with Maria because she has so much information and tools to help you grow!" 
(Ariel S., June 2022)

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "My time with Maria over the last 6-months, has completely shifted my life. From my first time sitting right in front of her at the psychic fair, watching her putting in her headphones and going in to connect w/ Spirit, then to weekly sessions! I felt called to work with her the moment I sat in her chair. I got the chance to be challenged, do inner work, journeying, heal trauma, do soul retrieval, healings, learn so much about my dreams, trusting myself, removing fear and standing in my power more than I ever have! My experience with Maria has taught me so much about myself. The best part about this experience is that I now have a forever friend/family/sister, and I can take everything I have learned to help others on their journey. Anybody who is ready to go inwards, do the inner work and challenge themselves, I highly encourage to work with Maria!"
(Sidney Kendall, May 2022)

"The Wednesday night free meditations have been something I look forward to every week. it makes me feel like I am part of something bigger than myself and I can breathe. The sessions are filled with love, laughter, surprise messages, and so much wisdom and inspiration. My week is thrown off when I miss being in Maria & Samantha energy. No matter how many people show up, they show up just as themselves and it's so beautiful to witness." 
(H.C., April 2022)

LIMITLESS Session: "This is my second reading with Sam (technically first was a healing/reading, second was a yin-yang reading with Samantha and Maria). Just wow! Honestly, the true talent and good vibes that these two bring are just other than worldly. Everything they said resonated so much I’m still in amazement. Their passion and gifts are unquestionable, and I only hope to continue my divine path and become as connected as these women. You will not regret your reading, healing or any services they provide. Be prepared for life changing insight/outcomes. Love and light." 
(C.R., March 2022)

LIMITLESS Session: "I adore Sam! She has helped me heal further than I ever thought I could. With Sam's help, I have grown in ways I could never have imagined. She knows and exudes the power of love, gratitude, and positivity. I have my own psychic gifts, and now as one of her coaching clients, I have been stepping into my own power in a way I have dreamed of my whole life but did not think I would achieve in such a short amount of time! I am 2 months into coaching with Sam and I have loved every minute of our sessions, as well as the "soul work" she assigns. I can finally say I love myself and my life, and that is with so much thanks to Sam. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking for readings or coaching from a compassionate, encouraging, knowledgeable, and accurate source. Sam is amazing!" 
(F.S., March 2022)

LIMITLESS Session: "I saw Samantha for a Tarot card reading, & I have to say.. she does WAY more than just read cards. When I joined her at the table, she had a crystal grid on hand drawn paper, with my name on it. I appreciated the personal touch! She had already prepped the energy in the space to be safe & cleared, smudging the previous client's energy clean with sage. She made me feel so comfortable & at ease. She asked if I had a question or intention, or just wanted the reading, which I did have a question. Before even pulling any cards, she did a reading to help answer my question that was so insightful and - as I would find out the following week - SPOT ON. It was about 15-20 minutes into that, when she pulled the cards. There were 3 of them she pulled, and 1 that I pulled. They all made so much sense & aligned with what she had already gathered from the energy reading. It was more like validation at this point. Amazing! And the card I pulled, was like the "why", the purpose for the rest. If you have something you are questioning & aren't sure where to turn (or even just out of curiosity & fun!) I highly recommend asking Samantha to help you tune into your own energy. Will definitely be back." 
(Bonnie, March 2022) 

Shamanic Journeying: "My shamanic journeying class was super impactful. As a complete beginner to shamanic practices, I had no clue about where to start and especially what most shamanic practitioners believed. I had only viewed shamanic practitioners as those hippies who do psychedelics in the tent, but it is so much more. It’s a process for receiving messages from Spirit and- - with its own set of spiritual beliefs. Maria was also super prepared. She had me read a super short and informative book and even wrote NOTES. I'm addicted to note taking and having something to read beforehand really helped make sure this class was a success. Going into the class, I felt ready, prepared, and excited. In my introductory 2-hour class, I was guided to travel to the three worlds: Upper, Middle and Lower. Each world had their own set of unique experiences. We started in the Upper World, which was really hard to get to, to meet my spirit guide. After I wasn't able to get there the first time, we re-did it again and was able to get there. I was still having a hard time, but Maria helped fill in all the gaps. The Lower World was my favorite. Sometimes you get there by climbing down a tree, but my spirit animal helped me get down instead. We had a crazy experience where I was taken to a cabin from a past life that Maria and I had discussed on our first reading together. My spirit animal had such a funny personality! Lastly, we went to the Middle World which was a crazy experience that related to past traumatic events and also lessons that I haven't yet learned from past lives. I saw someone get crossed over and met another guide. Maria had a totally different experience than I did but helped me to draw conclusions based on what she was shown in both of our visions & how they tied together. Maria's shamanic journeying class was super educational and gave me skills that I can use to further my spiritual path and personal growth. Maria is by far one of the best teachers I've had and continues to be available whenever I have spiritual questions. If you're interested in Shamanic Journeying, then this is the only teacher you'll ever need." 
(J.T. Cannon, March 2022)

LIMITLESS Session: "I have had several healings/readings with Sam. Each one is spot on! I am growing and healing because of her. My soul is opening, and I feel a wonderful transformation happening. Love, love, love her!" 
(Kim S., March 2022)

LIMITLESS Session: "Every time I work with Samantha, she pushes me to step into me, and that is what I need. She has fiery angelic anergy that makes me feel calm yet inspired to tackle on the world. Singing on for 6-month coaching with her has helped me become aware of what's been keeping me stuck and its only month 2!!! Love her!" 
(A.G., March 2022)

LIMITLESS Session: "The first time I met Maria, at the psychic fair, I received a 20-minute healing with an Akashic record reading. While being on my spiritual path, it has been full of ups and downs. I was exposed to a lot of fear that made my day to day filled with anger, worry and more fear. I was pulled to sit with her. I felt the energy! It also helped that her mother (assistant @ the fair) was so kind & gentle. I already felt the love signing up. When receiving my healing/reading I received messages that completely shifted my spiritual path and emotions. I needed it more than anything. From right then and there, I knew I wanted Maria to coach me. I asked her, and Spirit was already on it! The past few months I have been blessed to work with her and even more grateful that the teachings, lessons and the connection have pushed me to strive even more onto my spiritual path. I cannot wait to see where I am, where this takes me. Maria continues to change my life every single time we meet. Spirit has truly given me the best coach I could ask for. Thank you, Maria, for being you! Being your true authentic self. Thank you for listening to my crazy dreams & stories and giving me the messages to trust myself continuously. Also, the Meditation classes on Wednesdays are absolutely beautiful. Her and Samantha do an amazing job. Can't wait to attend more! You two are so appreciated! With love & light," 
(Sidney Kendall, Jan 2022)

LIMITLESS Session: "Sam and Maria are the best! My Ying-Yang session was amazing! I felt lighter and happier than I had in a long time after they brought to light a lot of things in my past that truly Impacted the person that I am today. I don’t understand their power, but it was truly amazing and something you just have to experience to believe- - it was such a great session, and I’ve had a few sessions with Samantha in the past that have been just as amazing. I am going to continue to use these two to help support me through these tumultuous times in our society and in my life! I guarantee you will come out feeling happier and lighter after a session with them!" 
(M.F. Sullivan, Nov 2021)

LIMITLESS Session: "I had a healing/past life reading with Maria and it was nothing short of life changing. She started by choosing a crystal that resonated with her and she chose a rose quartz in a heart shape, I have the same one sitting on my bureau, so I instantly felt a connection :) I never believed in past lives until this reading. She told me I was Native American and had a twin sister. Mind you I have a Native American doll sitting in my bedroom that I have had since I was 19 and I never knew why I was drawn to it, but I always kept it in my sights. I also have a daughter and we have always said the same things at the same times and I would always say "twins". Maria told me in my past life my daughter was my twin sister and it makes so much sense why we are so connected and act the way we do. My daughter also has multiple tribal tattoos because she too has always been drawn to the Native American culture without knowing why. Our past lives and current lives are so connected, and I never understood this until now. So much makes sense now. Maria also connected with my mom who passed away 9 years ago during my healing session. I've never felt more at peace!! She told me many things that made me realize which areas of my life needed work to have happy healthy relationships and I can say for the first time in my adult life I finally have a good man and a healthy relationship. I can't say enough about how much Maria helped me. I loved my reading so much I bought one for my daughter and my best friend! :) She is a true healer!!!" 
(Jennifer V., Oct 2021)

LIMITLESS Session: "Sam and Maria are both amazing! I have been dealing with infertility for a year and a half now and have been feeling really bad about myself because of it. I was angry and depressed with this path I had been given.  I did a spiritual healing session with just Sam back in January 2021 and felt so much better after, but not all the way. Sam kept working with me and learned more about my situation. She suggested a couple's spiritual healing and past life retrieval. She had Maria join her for this and together they did such a beautiful healing session on us both. We learned about our past lives, and it explained a lot of our insecurities. We heard from our spirit guides and which ones to call on when we feel like we need a little bit of spiritual help. My confidence in my job and infertility journey has improved tremendously. My husband and I both feel at peace now with the cards we have been given and ready to head into our infertility treatments with a clear mind and hearts open ready to welcome our future children. I feel more accepting of the things I cannot control and trusting in my doctors to help me. Sam also put together an infertility box for my birthday as a gift from my husband. It was full of crystals, homemade candles, sprays, remedies, and tokens to help us along our journey. Everything was personally made or picked for me and my situation. You can tell how much thought, love, and healing went into it. These two ladies are great, and our experience was life changing thanks to them." 
(Stephanie Q., Aug 2021) 

LIMITLESS Session: "Thank you, Samantha, for a wonderful session with you. A very handy peek at the akashic records and a lovely healing, which, because it was recorded, I can listen to again and again, as and when needed. It is always very calming and uplifting. You are a beautiful soul, and it was an absolute pleasure connecting with you." 
(Trudi U.K., July 2021)

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "The growth I've experienced in 3-months is not only profound, but also miles more than any other mental health professional have ever encouraged of me in 32-years. Maria's thought processes and approach have truly changed my life, and I feel that she is going to encourage profound change for countless other lives." 
(Brandi W., June 2021)

LIMITLESS Session: "During my Past Life reading with Samantha she did healing, and her guides told her that Soul Retrieval was needed. She asked for my permission first and explained it all to me after. It was such a profound beautiful experience and a reading like no other. Samantha is different because she is so connected with Source that she does what is best for the client based on what her guides say. I was blown away and never been able to just sit and actually feel energy- it was through Zoom, but the energy was real, and it was amazing. Highly recommend!!!" 
(D.K. Texas, June 2021) 

Regression Hypnotherapy Session: "I recently did a regression healing session with Samantha, and it was absolutely incredible! Since the session, I am feeling more peaceful, centered and confident as my own spiritual journey continues to unfold. Her kind and caring personality makes you feel completely at ease throughout the session, and her intuitive skills are exceptional! Samantha is a beautiful being of love and light who has so many amazing gifts to share with the world! I highly recommend you book a session with her. You will be happy you did!" 
(Ellen C., June 2021)

40 Day Spirit Ship: "All I can say is that this journey has exceeded my expectations. I have learned so much from these 40+ days. Wow. I feel the change in me. I looked forward to opening every email knowing I would learn and grow from it. Thank you for much for opening my eyes to some important things I need to work on to continue my healing. My meditations are deeper, my days are filled with gratitude for just being me. I will miss my morning emails, but I know I will be working with you again soon. I will be using all the tools I've learned in the Spirit Ship to continue my healing and growth." 
(Cheryl, May 2021)

LIMITLESS Session: "The past life readings and soul retrieval with Samantha was awesome. She has helped me so much on my spiritual journey! <3 <3 <3 <3" 
(Julie S., May 2021)

LIMITLESS Session: "Because of Samantha I was able to not only reconnect with my dad, but my childhood dog. it was so good to hear they were together and that my nana is keeping him in line still. Samanthas humble yet funny nature and energy brought forth the feeling of me being with my dad still. I miss you Dad but know now you are always with me now." 
(April S., Feb 2021) 

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "I found my time with Maria to be such an enlightening experience. She deeply listened to all of me (holistically speaking) and made me feel like I could really open up to her. Through our sessions I realized that I am a highly sensitive person, and by learning some ways to ground my sensitivities they no longer control my life in a negative way. I can now see how mindset makes a huge difference in my response to certain stressors or challenges in my life. Maria always listened to me, and also provided some great resources to use and apply in my everyday life struggles. She truly helped me realize what I can do in my life in order to live a healthier version of myself. Really appreciated her support!" 
(Laurie B., Feb 2021)

LIMITLESS Session: "Sam's authentic self is undeniable, and she gives you a feeling that anything is possible!" 
(Sara, Feb 2021) 

Warrior Hearts Health & Wellness Coaching: "I was feeling overwhelmed and in emotional pain and physical pain. These conditions have lessened since working with Maria. She has helped me tremendously by guiding me and helping me with valuable tools to use in my everyday life. She is very knowledgeable and caring and has the ability to actively listen with an honest compassionate manner. I feel like I have a better sense of direction due to our sessions together. I don’t know where I would be headed if it wasn’t for her. She was able to guide and make suggestions, and I am now on a road to a happy, healthy, positive life. I would highly recommend Maria to anyone who is in pain mentally and physically, or if you just feel stuck in life." 
(Katie T., Jan 2021)