SoulJoy™ Alchemy Group Coaching

SoulJoy™ Alchemy Group Coaching

A Truly divine portal of transformation!

The SoulJoy™ Alchemy Group Coaching Program offers the grounded support, personalized guidance, and nurturing community you need to amplify your growth. This 8-month sacred container includes bi-weekly group coaching calls, the JoyCode self-paced journey, two 1:1 sessions with Samantha, a transformative breath-work session, a personalized 20-minute Akashic Record reading, and a deep immersion into practices designed to transform your life.

SoulJoy™ is designed to meet you exactly where you are on your journey, providing compassionate, non-judgmental support to help you grow. Together, we’ll dive even deeper into sacred connection, embodiment tools, elevated insights, limitless possibilities of healing and live guidance—ensuring that you are fully seen, heard, and celebrated as you transform into your most abundant self.

This program offers 8 months of coaching & community with a lifetime of empowered, compassionate support to help you align with your unique Joy Sequence. In this container, you’ll be witnessed through a lens that allows you to believe in your own potential. Let's face it, we can be our own worst critics and often struggle to see our true power. That’s why being in a sacred community where you're fully seen, celebrated, and guided is so transformative.

When we are held in community, we stay accountable and don’t fade into the background. Not everyone in your life will understand your goals and ambitions—people can only meet you at the depth they've reached themselves. SoulJoy™  is a space for those committed to doing the inner work, releasing ancestral patterns, and embodying more joy, balance, and calm. Through this program, you’ll also strengthen your intuition, unlock your spiritual gifts, and connect more deeply to your soul’s purpose.

I would be honored to walk alongside you as you spread your wings in ways you never imagined. SoulJoy™ is the answer to that feeling of "I want more" or "I need something different, but I don't know what." This is your invitation to step into alignment with your highest, most abundant self.

Who is SoulJoy™ Alchemy Group Coaching for?

  • Health care professionals, holistic practitioners, and wellness, life, or spiritual coaches who are ready to deepen their personal growth, embody alignment in their work and life, and expand their capacity to hold safe space for others by strengthening their own mind-body connection
  • Spiritual seekers, "baddies," and visionaries committed to their inner evolution and divine purpose
  • Activators, healers, intuitives, and leaders who are ready to live from a place of joy and soul alignment
  • Anyone who feels stuck and has been wondering, "I know there's more, but I don't know what it is"
  • Those ready to shift from imbalance and disconnection into joy, peace, confidence, and alignment with their soul
  • Individuals who want to embody their gifts more fully to serve both themselves and humanity in a balanced, sustainable way
  • Women who are ready to release the fear of putting themselves first, step into their power, and experience deep joy and connection within their body
I am ready for empowered sacred sisterhood where I can connect to 
my bodies intelligence and begin to live a life of joy, balance and abundance. 

How is this delivered? 
  • You will get JoyCode once you make your first payment to start right away if you would like.
  • You have full sovereignty of how much JoyCode you work on prior to the cohort beginning March 2025.
  • You will be in the vault once you make your first payment and can start discussion and JoyCode.
  • In terms of calls, they will be on zoom and recorded. 
What are the dates? 
  • Start date is March 2o25 and we will meet biweekly for 60-90 minutes. These specific dates will be dropped closer to March and you will receive a few dates at once.
  • All calls are recorded, so you can catch the replay if you cant attend live.  
How much time should I commit? 
This is 8 months intensive transformational program with 2 calls a month and you also get one breath-work session, one energy work session and 2 one on ones with Samantha which you will get links once the cohort begins. 

You will be invited to work on what comes up in the calls as well as following it with JoyCode. 

In reference to JoyCode: 
  • Once you start JoyCode- It is encouraged to do one code a month, yet you can do one code every 2 weeks (codes are unlocked every 14 days). Working through one code may take you an hour, yet it’s the meditations, reflection, and JoyCode Cracking (soul work/exercises) that take the most time.
  • It depends on you, the individual and how much time you want to spend on each code each day. Some codes may be easier for you to move through than others; all of them are equally important.  Once the code is unlocked, it stays unlocked for you to have forever access to. 
  • JoyCode is about rewiring your nervous system and speeding through the codes will not allow the embodiment process to happen organically and may fry out your system quickly.
What you receive in SoulJoy Alchemy Group Coaching:

  • JoyCode Journey Intensive Course * 8 codes to unlock limitless joy, confidence, balance, and empowerment.
    • We will work with one code a month more deeply
  • Two group coaching calls a month via zoom ranging from 1-2.5hours long plus intro call  
    • Total of 17 group calls aka badass community (dates dropped 
    • Each call is Recorded and uploaded to the SoulJoy™ community portal 
    • Source consciousness teachings, hot seat coaching, light body activations, guided meditations, shadow work alchemy, temple codes, shamanic journeys, regression hypnotherapy, reflective exercises, somatic experiencing, nervous system awareness and rewiring, embodiment and manifestation practices, chakra balancing and wisdom, ancestral clearing, and so much more 
  • Two 1:1 SoulJoy™ coaching sessions with Samantha (1 hr each)
  • 15 Minute Recorded Emailed Akashic Record Reading from Samantha 
  • One 1:1 Breath Work Session with Sidney 
  • Surrender into the Ankh Rose Medicine Modality 
  • Community Discussion Temple for SoulJoy™ members
  • Telegram Chat with Samantha & SoulJoy™ members

  • First Call/ Intro will be March 19th at 1230pm EST for 90 minutes on Zoom
    • Calls are biweekly and the dates will be dropped at least a month in advance 
    • Calls will vary between week days, week nigths and weekend days to allow all who join this sacred community some flexibility in attending calls without feeling overwhelmed. The calls are recorded and uploaded to the replay portal within 24 hours. 
    • Once your application is filled out and your first payment is made (increments of in full) you will be granted access to JoyCode Journey within 48 hours, so you wont need to wait until March 19th to get started. 
    • You can also book your first 1:1 Empowerment Session with me, Samantha once you are enrolled/made a payment.  


In full:  $5,800
  •  4 Payments of $1550 (bimonthly)
  • 8 payments of $800
  • First payment must be made upon signing the contract which will be sent once the application is filled out
  • Flexible Payment Plans available and scholarships (offering a large discount)-  just email to work out a payment plan and/or get further assistance.

Samantha Shea©   :    JoyCode Journey   :    SoulJoy™ Alchemy    :   Branches of Vibrational Healing LLC ©

Some of My Fellow WayShowers: 

"I learned so much about myself while working with you. Your coaching helped me 
navigate through some murky layers of self loathing. Your sessions helped me learn 
how to connect with my body again. It had been disconnected long ago. 
The investment in myself to work with you was priceless! 
Thank you for being the beautiful vessel that you are!" - V.D 2024


“Samantha’s coaching program has made a profound impact on my spiritual development!  
She was so supportive and attentive. She encouraged me and guided me to live authentically, creatively and to explore and define my personal truths. With an emphasis on creating joy for myself and others, she encouraged my curiosity. Samantha taught me how to explore universal 
energies and realize my own truths. Working with Samantha was truly a profound 
learning and growth experience. “ - K.B 2024 


"The things that first drew me to Sam were from a place of seeking both joy and understanding: her background in healthcare, and her pink hair. I also saw how vocal she is about subjects that truly matter to her, and the subjects that truly matter to her are all about loving humanity into a better version of themselves. What started as one “random” mediumship session has turned into a very meaningful and impactful mentorship: through joy-focused coaching, power-packed readings, shamanic healings, and beyond. Sam’s background in healthcare has opened her eyes to the many ways people can be cared for outside of the healthcare system and other no-longer-working systems around the world. She is truly a gem of humanity, helping others to heal themselves, 
for themselves, by teaching everyone she can how to do so. 

Sam’s colorful hair is a small outward representation of the amount of magic and joy she contains within her. Spend even a few moments talking to her and you’ll see what I mean. Sam uses her intimate knowledge of the chakra system and shamanic teachings, as well as trauma-informed therapeutic theories that mental health professionals use, to show every client how they 
can create their own path of joy. It’s not a path to joy, but a path of joy,  because as Sam says, 
“We are human beings, not human doings.”

I have spent 10+ years in therapy trying to find the same tools that Sam shared with me over the course of one year. Personally, coming from a traumatic background filled with depression, I needed traditional therapy to survive until I met Sam. I outgrew therapy after several years because traditional therapy doesn’t help me to answer the big questions of life: why am I here? How can I create a life of joy? How can I thrive instead of just surviving and stabilizing? How can I work with my emotions and parts to embrace all that I am? Traditional therapy is great, but it only goes so far. I kept getting stuck on what therapies teach as needing to “rewire” my brain. Sam’s joyful coaching takes it to the next level and shows that you can rewire your brain and still embrace the parts of you that you are scared of. In fact, by embracing those parts and showing them love, I have healed parts of me I never thought would be healed and that I thought would always need to be suppressed. 

I am a true example of the power of Sam’s coaching and other services. When I first started working with Sam, I had recently been hospitalized, then partially hospitalized, then lost my job and was headed into another round of being partially hospitalized for my Depression and trauma symptoms. I was fearfully disconnected to people around me. Now I work at jobs I thoroughly enjoy, one of them being my own business. I also have realized that working a job isn’t the whole point in life. I now actively create my own joy through spiritual practices that Sam has taught me, including allowing my inner child to shine her light so that I can fully enjoy all that I have and all that my heart desires. I have long-term goals again and I know I can achieve them. I even have made some of the most beautiful and loving connections with the people who are now in my life. My Depression and trauma symptoms are nearly non-existent, which I truly never imagined I would be able to say. Thank you, Sam, from the bottom of my pink heart to yours!" - F.S 2023