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Sessions with both Maria & Samantha Together

This service is completed by Maria & Samantha @ the same time; therefore, you get DOUBLE the LOVE, wisdom, guidance & healing in ONE super empowering hour. You can choose how the time is utilized (readings, healing and/or both); or just allow Spirit to flow through 2 Shamanic practitioners to deliver the healing wisdom & guidance that your Soul is calling for!

Concerned about vaccine side effects? Our targeted modality scans your body to identify imbalances caused by the vaccine and/or lingering effects of the virus. You'll receive personalized guidance to restore balance and harmony. Follow-up sessions may be recommended for complete healing.

Sessions with Maria or Samantha

If your loved one is on life support, in a coma, or actively dying, both Samantha & Maria can communicate w/the person's Higher Self/Soul to see what Spirit recommends and what is best for that individual's journeyPlease note, each Soul has their own Divine path- some return to the body to "wake-up" & continue living out a physical existence, some return for a short time to die on their own terms & others choose to pass on to the Spiritual realm once they've found a sense of peace within. 

This modality also provides support to individuals reaching their imminent days of a terminal diagnosis, or on Hospice & are seeking peace and guidance around the death process and their journey to the afterlife. Maria & Samantha can connect w/ the person's Higher Self to provide wisdom, clarity & comfort in their transition from the physical world. 


Maria (Available in NM & Durango, CO): Price varies on the amount of people & travel distance. Maria offers LIMITLESS reading/healing sessions for private events/in-home parties in the NM & 4 Corners Region for 4+ people. Pricing is based on group size & travel distance. 

Samantha (Available in MA, NH, RI):  For parties of 4+ people with highly discounted Limitless Sessions (reading of any kind &/or energy healing $60). She can start off w/ a group gathering circle of clearing and centering everyone's energy & do individual 20-minute or group readings. Nonrefundable deposit due upon booking a date, which goes towards travel/time. 

Experience a guided meditation infused with personalized healing frequencies and DNA activations directly from your Higher Self. You'll receive an audio recording and a Spirit-guided reading/video message sent to your email. Each meditation is tailored to your unique needs and intentions for healing.

This modality is completed distantly. Once booked, we connect to your Soul/Higher Self & receive a channeled drawing of a symbol you created prior to incarnating on Earth. This symbol will ignite a Divine awakening within, to help support your current life & evolving path forward. This may or may not come with a short intuitive message (depending on what you & Spirit put in place for your remembrance). This is YOUR UNIQUE symbol, which is like a "trademark" of your Soul.

Within 72 hours of booking, Sam or Maria will email you a picture that illustrates your chakras, any imbalances within them, noted areas of concern/medical intuition, energy blocks/intrusions, as well as any Spirit Guides (power animals, Angels, loved ones etc.) that are with you & guidance to support your wellbeing. You'll receive a written email w/ recommendations from Spirit & the hard copy of the drawing in the mail.  

Are you moving into a new home, settling into a recent move, doing renovations, a small business owner setting up shop, or embarking on a fresh start in a new office? Or perhaps you've experienced significant emotional events or changes in your living space and are seeking a refresher. If so, this service is ideal for you! Our space-clearing service is designed to enhance the positive energy of your environment. We focus on removing lingering/dense energies & any aspects that don't align w/ your wellbeing. $255 (without travel)

Sessions with Maria Only

In this 60-minute workshop, Maria gives a brief overview of the energy centers within the body & the amazing health benefits of meditation. She also includes a 22-minute heart-centered guided meditation for participants to share in, as well as allows time @ the end to ask questions. This is a very basic & easy-to-follow presentation of energy & mindfulness via Zoom. Please contact directly if you want an in-person presentation. Offered 1:1 or to groups of people.

This is a multi-session modality which is extremely empowering for the Soul if you're ready. The first session is 2-hours & includes healing, discussion & possible 'retrieval' of Soul parts (pending guidance from Spirit) followed by 4 follow-up sessions of 1-hour each (included in the total price), which promotes the integration of these parts so that you can begin to feel more deeply connected & at peace w/ yourself. In Ancient Shamanic Traditions, this modality is referred to as Soul Retrieval.

This initial 2-hr session is a great way to learn the basics of Shamanic journeying. We will cover intention setting, how to journey to the lower, middle & upper worlds & you'll learn how to retrieve your very own power animal & Spirit guide- who are always there, supporting you throughout life. Shamanic journeying is a great supplement to other meditative practices, as well as a wonderful way to learn meditation & the true power of intention setting. We will cover a great deal in 2 hours!

This service (named after a very special fur baby) is for ailing/dying pets & their families, who want to ensure a peaceful transition for their ill or aging companion. Maria will provide distant energy healing, deliver intuitive messages about/from your pet & offer holistic guidance on how best to care for them in their remaining days. Her experience as a Hospice Nurse & her love for animals, guarantees nothing short of the utmost compassionate care in these intimate sessions.

Sessions with Samantha Only

Attend to your soul and gain wisdom and healing through a state of deep calm similar to the dream state, where you'll connect to your consciousness and into one of your past lives to receive healing, guidance, wisdom, love, healing, and so much more. Samantha will also work with Spirit to do a little energy work on you before, during and/or after your session. * please note- this is a deeply healing, moving & empowering session. First session 1.5h-2hours then follow up 30 minutes to discuss integration.

Sam connects to your higher self  your guides, ancestors and all of the divine loving beings within your Akash whom are here to support you. She then gets a channelled light language activation for you to support you (there may be music paired).  . Light language is a multilayered, multidimensional energy that carries sacred codes and sounds that activates your cellular memory, helps break up stagnant energy/blocks and awakens dormant DNA within you for you to become more embodied in your truth. Light Language is the sound of higher vibratory loving energy. You will receive this activation recording within 96 hours of booking via email. Each time you listen to this, your body will receive messages.

Have a question? Or feel guided to know something about one of your organs or a system? Then this is the reading for you. Samantha will connect to your energy & to the Spirit of that organ, get guidance as well as do a quick healing within that organ, to jump start the healing process for you. This is part of Arcturian healing methods and Shamanic Practices. The session will go for no more than 30 minutes, but could be done in less time, pending Spirit guidance.

Energy is passed down from mom to baby and baby also feels the energy of the external environment, so this is a beautiful way to connect with your unborn child energetically to bring you both closer as well as to clear any karmic ties. We choose our parents before we are born and that's due to our soul contracts and with that comes the karmic patterns, beliefs, and ancestral wounds from generations... so with this healing clearing can happen. Spirit will also provide you w/ some guidance btwn you two.

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